Dishwasher board WQP6-3203
Our electronics lab easily repaired a faulty WQP6-3203 dishwasher board that was damaged due to water leak in the board’s housing.
Our electronics lab easily repaired a faulty WQP6-3203 dishwasher board that was damaged due to water leak in the board’s housing.
Today our electronics lab refurbished a malfunctioning treadmill board of the famous DCMD series. It originally came from an old, unbranded treadmill and was seriously damaged due to motor bad condition.
Anyone else into vintage tech? Nokia’s N900 was one of it’s kind. Maemo OS was soon abandoned, but this unique device was a true monster back at the day, with specs beyond imagination, and a full keyboard for all your hacking needs.
No wonder why our customer wanted it again back and running. The usb port though was seriously damaged and needed to be replaced, along with a small power line that was ripped from the PCB.
After we checked that everything was working, we replaced this wire with proper wire-wrap and applied a drop of epoxy to keep everything in place.