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Author: pancyber

Spiders -yes spiders- in a computer

Why not? Someone can say… Its warm, clean and shady, with plenty of room and fresh air… Nobody bothers to clean it – Its perfect!

Although, our tech guys are not afraid of spiders, the tenant of this establishment had left before this unit arrived at our workshop.

Windows 2000 file copy

If you have never seen such a screen in your tech life you are lucky! Especially if you never had to wait a few hours until the whole system crashes trying to read an damaged hard disk sector.

Luckily this time everything went smooth for our emergency team. All files were copied successfully and moved to the new server.

Toshiba laptop ram issue

In computers, when you see red, it is never good news!

This laptop was randomly crashing very often, and a quick check showed that one of the ram modules was faulty – or maybe not? After replacing the seemingly faulty module, the same error appeared again.

A careful investigation showed that the problem was on the motherboard.; the south-bridge IC had overheated had to be re-balled.

Hot choco in laptop

It could also be coffee, but guys at the workshop couldn’t be sure… The point is that this unfortunate laptop won’t boot again. It’s sad story begun a couple of months before it was brought to us, when it’s owner spilled a (not so) small amount of his beverage on it’s keyboard – but wiped it thoroughly as he said. The poor thing kept working for two months while sugar was slowly corroding everything metallic in her path…

Dust and Dirt inside a computer

Have you ever wondered how much dirt can a computer unit hold inside? This is just one of the many cases we deal with everyday. If you want your computer to run normally, desktop or laptop, don’t forget to open it up and clean it thoroughly at least once per year – preferably before summer.

No wonder why this desktop unit kept crashing and rebooting randomly…

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